Troll, n., giant, demon: a dwarf or giant in Scandinavian folklore inhabiting caves or hills: also,
... people who are just being rude and obnoxious who generally try to offend, shock, harass, and/or abuse who otherwise annoy people.
We ask that you not feed the trolls for this reason:
Dealing with trolls can often be difficult, but they should not go unwarned, un-removed or unbanned. Trolls can destroy a community, and often this is their goal.
One of the more prominent trolls who has stalked the SWAC blogs is exposed by RightsideVA.
Don't feed the trolls....
Don't feed the trolls....
1 comment:
At first I was horrified of people attacking me. I went to comment moderation for awhile. I think my skin toughened up a bit, though, later, when I went on the counterattack!
Thanks for the interesting links!
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