Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pat McSweeney, guest speaker at SWAC-GOP Breakfast

Pat McSweeney ... past RPV Chairman ... lawyer ... conservative activist ... low-tax advocate.

Today he addressed the SWAC-GOP Breakfast at Rowe's Restaurant as our guest speaker -- and what an inspirational speaker! Not only did he advocate that government cut spending instead of constantly raising taxes but he also stressed that Republicans need to stand by the conservative principles they believe in. Because of politicians who "fuzz things up," as he said, they have lost the support of the grassroots.

Republicans will never win the battle of giving more and out-promising the democrats but many are now competing with them to buy their way into elections. We need to be the Party of principles ... or Virginia will become a blue state. Our voice has to come from the grassroots....

I was impressed with Mr. McSweeney and look forward to hearing him again.

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