Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veterans Day 2007 ... we remember....

Veterans Day. It's almost overwhelming when you stop to think about it. All around are men and women who have been in the service of this country to protect you and I ... the citizens who often take it for granted that we are able to jump in our vehicles and drive anywhere without fear of terrorism in the streets, in our Capitol, in our malls.

We have that freedom and peace at home because of our veterans. They are all around us from the World War II generation to Korea to Vietnam to Operation Desert Storm to the present-day Operation Iraqi Freedom war in Iraq.

My American flag is flying in their honor and memory ... my hat's off to these American heroes. We thank them.

SWAC Husband, United States Air Force, 1966-1971; North Carolina Air National Guard

Check out Bob Stuart's excellent front-page tributes in today's Waynesboro News Virginian:
-- Honoring Service
-- Woman recalls adventuresome spouse

Also check out other tributes in the News Virginian:
-- What makes a hero?
-- Iconic Vietnam Memorial in Washington turns 25

The entire front page of the Waynesboro News Virginian is dedicated to Veterans Day. It's a wonderful tribute and it is great to see a newspaper take the lead on honoring our military veterans. Well done, Bob Stuart and the News Virginian.

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