Sunday, December 02, 2007

Republican Advance ... more about Paul supporters

The Richmond Times Dispatch reported the following about the Ron Paul supporters at the Republican Advance:
Republican officials dismissed the poll's outcome, noting that Paul has been concentrating on winning straw polls all over the country.

Paul bused in young supporters. They waved signs and shouted loudly when his name was mentioned.

"He brought people in here. What is more critical to look at is who finished second and third. That is a more true indicator of the feelings of the Republican Party of Virginia," said Tucker Watkins of Randolph in Charlotte County, a former 5th District GOP chairman.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I see you are still prepetuating the LIE that Paul supporters were bussed in.

    Typical neocon propaganda...

  2. I suggest you take your question to Tyler Whitley and the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    A lie perpetuated by Tucker Watkins I must add:

    And even the UPDATED post on the RTD site by Tyler Whitley:

    Supporters of Texas Rep. Ron Paul drove on their own and paid their way to participate in a presidential straw poll at the 24th annual Republican Advance during the weekend in Arlington County, said Dennis Fusaro, Paul's national field director. This story incorrectly reported that Paul bused in supporters.

    How about a correction, I certainly dont expect an apology...

  4. Anonymous3:37 PM

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