Sunday, December 02, 2007

Republican Advance ... Ron Paul supporters among worst dressed?

Not Joan Rivers at Not Larry Sabato wrote the following about the attire of the Ron Paul supporters attending the Republican Advance who were described as "worst dressed":
The Ron Paul Crew - Again, I am making a broad generalization, but for the most part, it is pretty accurate. This group ... seemed to forget where they were. But unlike the girls, this myriad of indivduals were on the opposite end of the spectrum. Sporting jeans, scuffed up sneakers, ball caps, sweatshirts and bomber jackets, half these people looked like ragamuffins who had not bathed in days. This rambuctious crowd stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of professional attire.


  1. Ouch for that blogger only. Since Ron Paul won overwhelmingly, most of the people there supported him. I find it hard to believe that most of the people at the event seemed to have "not bathed in days." The guy who gave a speech in support of Ron Paul was a lawyer in DC, was he dressed as a ragamuffin?

  2. The attorney who gave the speech on Ron Paul's behalf was dressed in a suit and tie.

  3. Some of the Paulistinians came straight from their second or third job, just so that they could participate. Nobody should be putting honest men and women down because they are not wearing a fancy outfit. The rock solid core of the Republican Party of Virginia are the hard working men and women, many of whom hold jobs in the blue collar sector. I thank every one of those dedicated activists for taking what few hours that they have off from their multiple jobs, just to participate in THEIR Party's annual Advance.

    I know first hand that the Paulistinians are welcome in the Republican Committee where I am a member. They are going to play a major role in the growth of the Republican Party in the coming years and we welcome their patriotism and their enthusiastic support.

    As for the reports by the RTD: The problem was that immediately after the Paulistinians had won the straw poll, and while Republican Committee members were out in the crowd congratulating the Ron Paul supporters, a couple of guys with sour grapes ran over to the RTD reporter and started a rumor about bused-in supporters when the only bus around had been chartered by the College Republicans. Reporters must not be mere parrots. They must check and re-check their facts.

    The Virginia Paulistinians are in every respect, real Republican activists. Many of the folks in the "Revolution" are business and professional leaders in their local communities and quite a few are working moms. Some are home schoolers with large families. In summary, the Paulistinians look a great deal like the family oriented crowd that boosted the Republican ranks back in the days of Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition.

    The Paulistinians represented about one third of the six hundred in attendance at the Advance. When these Paulistinians go home and sign-up with their local Republican Committee, they could create a major change in the Republican agenda here in Virginia, within just the next election cycle.

    The idea of getting back to the Constitution and the end of undeclared wars is VERY popular.
