Friday, March 07, 2008

Augusta County: Motocross track gets green light from Zoning Appeals

The Augusta County Board of Zoning Appeals voted 3-2 on Thursday to approve the special use permit for Valley Xtreme Sports to build a motocross track at Expoland in Fishersville.

A group of residents who were against the park were out in force to object. Their subdivision is across I-64 from the proposed location. They are surrounded by Augusta Medical Center Hospital, a large lumber operation, UPS terminal, and other industrial-type businesses suitable for the industrial area in which they live. Those businesses were in place before the subdivision was built. Those disgruntled neighbors plan to appeal the Board's decision.

The motocross park would provide entertainment and a safe riding environment for local enthusiasts while bringing in dollars to local businesses around the Expoland area including restaurants and hotels. Competitions would bring riders in from throughout the state.

Congratulations to Terry and Doug Argenbright for persevering and not giving up on their dream of building a motocross track in Augusta County.

Bob Stuart has written more in the Waynesboro News Virginian.

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