Friday, March 07, 2008

Staunton video store owner going to trial

Rick Krial has been making waves in Staunton since opening his adult video store in September 2007. Now he's heading to trial on misdemeanor and felony charges for selling obscene materials to undercover police officers, according to the Waynesboro News Virginian.

Staunton's Commonwealth Attorney, Ray Robertson, who has been praised and criticized for his part in prosecuting this case, reflected on the heavy hitters who are defending Krial:
“I think it’s no accident that they’ve sent in their A-team,” Commonwealth Attorney Ray Robertson said, referring to the high-profile defense lawyers involved in the case. “The fact that they would deign to come to little old Staunton, Va., means they must be worried about something.”

First Amendment lawyers Paul Cambria Jr., representing Krial, and Louis Sirkin, representing Embrey, are heading up the defense team. Both have defended Larry Flynt and other celebrities in past obscenity trials.

“Every time a government official tries to interfere with an adult’s choice of entertainment, that is a national issue,” Cambria said after the hearing.
Trial is set for June 17, 2008.

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