Thursday, March 27, 2008

SWAC Niece and our Easter break....

Duck pond at Staunton's Gypsy Hill Park.
We spent Easter break with SWAC Niece and her mother (my sister), an all-too-brief opportunity to visit at my house. Monday was spent tooling around Staunton. A stop at Gypsy Hill Park offered the opportunity to walk and enjoy the area on a brisk day.

There is a miniature train at Gypsy Hill Park so SWAC Niece decided to check it out.

The miniature train tressel (background) crosses Gypsy Creek.

We caught the trolley and rode it downtown to eat lunch at the Pampered Palate and to stroll the streets in snow flurries that reminded us that spring wasn't here quite yet.

SWAC Niece reading on the trolley.

SWAC Niece has returned home with her mom because they had things to do and needed to get back. I was sad to see her go but enjoyed our time together and am looking forward to her next visit. I have lots of places to take her when she returns ... the fun of the Shenandoah Valley....

Photos by SWAC Girl

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