Thursday, March 27, 2008

Welcome newest ODBA members ... the College Republican Federation of Virginia!

When the CRs asked about joining the Old Dominion Blog Alliance, I was thrilled. They are a great group of young people and I have enjoyed working with many of them over the years including Jarrett Ray who just completed his term as president of the Virginia CRs, Kevin Bolling who is current president of the JMU CRs, both James Madison University students, and many others.

Together they all have worked to build a first-class blog that shares information, highlights candidate appearances, and offers opinion pieces. They have consistently rated in the Top 20 of Blog Net News (BNN) as one of the more influential political blogs in the Commonwealth.

Our young people are the future of the Republican Party so we are happy to welcome them and thank them for the work they do.

College Republican Federation of Virginia, welcome to the ODBA!

Spark It Up!! has a welcome here. I'm Not Emeril welcomes them here. Scott's Morning Brew welcomes them here.

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