Saturday, March 07, 2009

Augusta County certifies reassessments

Augusta County went ahead and certified their real estate assessments on Friday, 25 days sooner than required and five days before the March 11 Board of Supervisors meeting that is shaping up to be a showdown between property owners and supervisors. The move angered some residents who questioned why the rush to certify.

The March 11 meeting at the Government Center in Verona will see Supervisor Tracy Pyles pitted against what the Waynesboro News Virginian has affectionately dubbed "The Gang of Six" -- the other six supervisors who have vowed to see the process through instead of working with Mr. Pyles in exploring other possibilities to relieve the tax burden on constituents.

Churchville attorney Francis Chester will address the board Wednesday to present thousands of signatures on petitions that have been circulated throughout the county since the end of January.

Local media who have covered the case since the beginning, including the organizational townhall meeting of Augusta Citizens Against Unfair Assessments on February 3 when over 600 residents turned out to protest their assessments, will be there.

Farmers, landowners, blue collar, white collar ... all will be at the Government Center Wednesday night in what is shaping up to be a major tax revolt tea party in Augusta County.

Click here for more information about Augusta Citizens Against Unfair Assessments, to sign the petition, and for information about Wednesday's meeting.

Together, Augusta ... we can make a difference!

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