Monday, March 09, 2009

Augusta tax revolt tea party ... three days to go

Churchville attorney Francis Chester is ready. Augusta Supervisor Tracy Pyles is ready. Augusta Citizens Against Unfair Assessments is ready.

Wednesday is the night when the Augusta Board of Supervisors will meet. That is the night when thousands of signatures will be turned over to the Board. That is the night county residents and others from throughout the state are expected to show up to send a message to county officials.

No ... more ... taxes!

From the latest newsletter sent Sunday....

1) Time to turn in assessment petitions
Petitions should be returned this week with a March 9 deadline. We are busy counting signatures before turning in petitions to the Board of Supervisors at Wednesday's meeting. There are three ways to return petitions:

-- Mail to Francis Chester (address on petition).
-- Drop off at Francis Chester's law office (address on petition)
-- Let us know you need petitions picked up by responding to this email.

2) March 11, 2009 - Board of Supervisors Meeting
The petitions that are being circulated around Augusta County will be turned into the Board of Supervisors on Wednesday March 11, 2009, at 7 pm at the Government Center in Verona. All are urged to attend. This will also be the opportunity for those who want to address the Board. Churchville attorney Francis Chester will turn in the petitions asking the board to turn back assessments to 2005 values.

3) Parking
It would help if parking closest to the door could be left for our elderly residents and the handicapped.

4) Seating
You may want to arrive early on March 11 for good seating and to sign up if you wish to address the board.

5) Petitions available
Petitions are still available asking the Board of Supervisors to roll back real estate assessments to 2004 levels:

-- Online: Here is the location of the online petition.
-- Hard copy: Contact us if you want an emailed petition

Together, Augusta ... we can make a difference!

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