Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dinwiddie tax revolt? Residents want assessments rolled back to 2004

Tax revolt in Dinwiddie County? Residents facing real estate reassessments up to 300% have asked the Board of Supervisors to roll back assessments to 2004 values.

Sound familiar? Augusta County residents have been so outraged about their high real estate assessments that they turned in 10,000 signatures on petitions and 1,000 showed up at the Board of Supervisors meeting on March 11 to ask that values be rolled back to 2005 values.

Today's Richmond Times-Dispatch reported:
Some residents yesterday promised to fight the proposed tax rate.
"I think it is totally ridiculous," resident John Wamsley said. "This is unreasonable. It is unjustice for the taxpayer."

Wamsley, whose property assessment rose from $160,000 to $301,000, said the board can expect a big turnout at next month's hearing.

Resident Vincent Lewis said most of the citizens expect to see some increase, but he called the proposal outrageous.

"I don't know what kind of citizens you want. We are going to have to move out," he said. "I am very disappointed in you. . . . I am glad this is not a final vote."

The county has requested the opinion of a judge on whether it would be legal for the Board of Equalization to void the last property reassessment, County Attorney John Blair said.

If the court were to rule that the reassessment can be voided and the Board of Equalization decides to do that, residents would pay taxes based on the 2004 assessment.

"I am hoping the judge will rule in our favor," Wamsley said.
The eyes of Augusta County will be watching Dinwiddie's tax assessment issue even as the eyes of Virginia are watching all these proceedings.

Meanwhile, tax revolt tea parties are planned for April 15 throughout America.

H/T DJ McGuire

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