Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Here and there, this 'n that in the Valley

On a hot 90-degree day in the Shenandoah Valley, I headed out to do errands and meet a friend for lunch. Some observations while out and about....

Kroger in Staunton had a young man unloading groceries out of the carts onto the counter which was something they've not done before. Don't know if it's a new service or if this young man was just looking for something to do but, after unloading everything onto the counter, he bagged and then started unloading the cart coming through behind me. A service like that would be a great help to moms with small children....

When leaving Kroger I noticed that the Crawford Brothers, famous around these parts for their yummy BBQ, will be barbecuing in the parking lot at the Federated Auto Parts on Statler Boulevard across from Kroger on Saturday morning....

A SIGNER sign on Richmond Road in Staunton was the only reminder I saw that it was Democrat primary day. All reports were showing low turnout....

A sign at the entrance to the Frontier Culture Museum said they were having a wine tasting on June 20....

After spending an extended lunch at McAlister's Deli in Waynesboro visiting with my friend, thunderheads could be seen to the west as I headed home and, sure enough, the sky darkened with wicked lightning and the rain began to fall two miles from the house. A severe weather warning broke in on the radio and, by the time I turned into the driveway, it was a full-blown thunderstorm ... sat in my vehicle for 10 minutes reading the mail and waiting for the rain and lightning to let up enough to get in the house....

Thunderstorms passed through the SWAC area last night and then again this morning from 5-7. It's unusual to awaken to morning thunderstorms. The weather is calling for the possibility of more thunderstorms throughout the night. After dinner, SWAC Husband called me to the deck where a brilliant rainbow could be seen over the ridge behind the house....

The wildflowers are blooming, dressing the shoulders of the roadways in yellows and whites and hues of blue and purple ... gorgeous and fragrant and right on time as we head into summer in the Shenandoah Valley....

It's a blessing to live in the shadow of the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains in the Sweet Virginia Breeze.

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