Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Rematch of 2005? All signs point to McDonnell versus Deeds

A number of people are calling Creigh Deeds the winner in today's Democrat Primary in Virignia including Public Policy Polling, DJ McGuire, and Not Larry Sabato. After what has reportedly been an extremely slow day at the polls ... and after a noted absence of signs (I saw a SIGNER sign on Richmond Road in Staunton but that was it) ... the polls are less than an hour away from closing.

As one who received a 7 am phone call the day after Election Day 2005 and ended up at the Augusta County Government Center as the local electoral folks began to check the tapes ... and then spent a day recounting at the Augusta County Courthouse in December, a McDonnell-Deeds race would, indeed, be an interesting matchup. Not that I expect a recount to happen this November ... Bob McDonnell's experience as Attorney General will go far in leading him to a win in the gubernatorial 2009 election.

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