Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Lethargic Democrat primary in Virginia?

Word coming back from many polling places on this Democrat Primary day is ... zzzzz. It seems that, at least by mid-morning, not many had turned out to vote. It may pick up as the day goes on, as the campaigns call their supporters to get them to the polls, and as the word gets out that it's slow making people realize they could make a difference. Anyone in politics knows a candidate can win by getting his supporters to the polls even if overall turnout is low.

The big race is between Moran, Deeds, and McAuliffe for governor. Last-minute polls showed Deeds had leaped ahead of the other two and, indeed, he appears to be the choice in the Shenandoah Valley where is has been a member of the Virginia legislature for years, first as delegate and later as state senator. From neighboring Bath County, he is known in these parts as a conservative Democrat. The Cobalt crew is behind Deeds; Waynesboro Dem Chairman Chris Graham is behind McAuliffe which has caused tensions between the two camps.

DJ McGuire has a prediction posted about the results at the end of the day. We shall see how close he comes to getting it right.

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