Saturday, August 08, 2009

American unrest ... the summer of 2009 -- dozens of links

~Obama has awakened a sleeping giant ... conservative blogs shift into high gear~

Nothing like a community organizer to get a group together. Barack Obama aka "President Community Organizer" has done a marvelous job of rallying conservative bloggers and Americans to speak out against his proposed monstrosity aka the socialized health care bill.

Everywhere you look in the blogosphere, there are articles about citizens protesting, the White House ordering to punch back twice as hard, union thugs showing up and causing violence, and general unrest in American.

Here are links to a tiny portion of what is being written about socialized health care protests. Check back often and send your links ... the list will be added to on a regular basis.

- RedState blog - Erick Erickson: Democratic National Committee accuses Eric Cantor of stoking Nazism
- Terdium Quids blog: MoveOn wants to get ugly with townhall protesters
- United Conservatives: I am The Mob
- Virginia Right blog: White House tells Dems punch back twice as hard looking to incite violence
- 84 Rules blog: Obama's SEIU Thugs Attack A Black Conservative
- Fishersville Mike blog: Rove on health care reform
- 84 Rules blog: White House "snitch program" - a violation of the law?
- Yankee Phil blog: Racist beats black at townhall meeting
- The Journey blog: Something to think about
- Dogwood Pundit blog: Shhhh ... the White House is watching
- Delmarva Dealings blog: Want to talk to Sen. Ben Cardin? Make a reservation
- PW Conservative blog: Look at all these awful well-dressed protesters
- SWAC Girl blog: Americans for Prosperity: HANDS OFF MY HEALTH CARE
- American Power blog: "Disinformation": The GOP's new ad on health care
- Bearing Drift blog - Jane: Down at the mob-n-rabble big box store
- Edgycater blog: Black Patriot Beaten By Union Thugs--Is This What Obama Was Calling For?
- NY Gathering of Eagles blog: SEIU hires Illegal Aliens to do the Astroturfing Real Americans Won’t
- Michelle Malkin: How to dress like an "authentic" grass-roots activist
- The Washington Examiner: Mr. President, Americans are not an angry mob
- Fox News: Townhalls turn violent in Tampa and St. Louis
- Politico: White House to Democrats: Punch back twice as hard
- National Review: In pursuit of the Silent Majority
- The Hill: Local GOP plans pep rally for Dem Congressman's townhall
- Little Green Footballs - Gatorbait: Krauthammer: A better plan for health care reform
- Hot Air - Allahpundit: Daniel Hannan on ObamaCare: Are you people insane?
- Physicians jam townhall in Houston: "Don't want nationalized health care"
- YouTube Video: Union thugs in Tampa
- Washington Examiner - Mark Tapscott: Angry Mobs Department - That was then, this is now
- YouTube Video: Six arrested at St. Louis townhall

- Dallas News: Sen. Cornyn: White House compiling Enemies List
- Video: AARP officials walk out of meeting, refuse questions concerning ObamaCare from angry seniors
- Breitbart video: Obama doesn't want folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking
- Washington Examiner: Townhall violence -- by Obama supporters
- Washington Examiner - Byron York: The empty words of a journalist turned flack
- Washington Examiner - Mark Tapscott: New email endorsement shows AARP going all-out for Dems, Obamacare
- Bobby Eberle: Watch out! Obama is creating White House "Enemies List"
- Bobby Eberle: Welcome to the world of Chicago-style politics
- A leaderless revolution
- YouTube Video: Angry Democrat calls townhall elected a liar

Added 8/8/09:
- From On High blog: America at its best
- Investor's Business Daily: Are We in America or Amerika?

H/T to Drudge, BlogNetNews, & others

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