Saturday, August 08, 2009

We the People decide that We Will Speak

~Silent Majority is silent no more~

We the People are standing up and speaking out at townhall meetings throughout the country ... seniors have formed email brigades to spread the bad news of the proposed socialized health care bill ... Americans are turning out in record numbers to townhall meetings to ask questions about the 1,017-page health care monstrosity bill ...

... but the Democrats led by President Barack Obama are using union thugs and organized leftist groups to stomp opposition. They are determined to stop the American people from having a voice.

Jerry at From On High writes today:
There will be those who find this video of a Democratic congresswoman in Florida dispatching union thugs to rough up and remove from a town hall meeting a large number of angry Americans who are genuinely concerned about the future of their country to be too disturbing to watch.
Go over ... watch the video ... and read Jerry's response.


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