Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Has Tim Kaine sunk his Party for November election?

That's what Pat Caddell, Democrat commentator, opined on Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity Show Wednesday night. To paraphrase what he said:
Democrat governor and DNC head Tim Kaine has probably sunk his Party for this fall's election in Virginia because, as head of the DNC, they have chosen to call people "mobs" [those attending townhall meetings].

It's the middle of August ... representatives are usually lucky to get 20 people to turn out for townhall meetings ... and here we are with people pouring out to townhalls because they want to know what this is about for them. ... People think the country is going broke and we ARE going broke. People's confidence in congressmen has nose-dived. The White House is pushing the "mob" issue to get away from the main issue -- health care.

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