Thursday, August 13, 2009

California townhall turns out 3,000 ... huge anti-Obama protest

A picture is worth a thousand words ... and Donald Douglas has video and photos at his American Power blog illustrating the huge turnout at Adam Schiff's townhall meeting Tuesday night in California. Donald writes:
Last night's Adam Schiff town hall was the biggest anti-Obama protest I've attended this year.Here's the scene when I arrived a few minutes after 7:00pm. Representative Adam Schiff had just begun speaking. An estimated 3,000 people were in attendance.

The event was orignally scheduled to be held inside the Alhambra Public Library. Organizers changed the venue to the lawn at City Hall, across from Alhambra High School on 1st Street. I walked around to the other side of the demonstration to snap this shot below. This was as close as I could get. ObamaPlants had set up shop in folding chairs up front.
Donald has posted photos and video of this extraordinary turnout.

Boots on the ground nationwide are filling the gap of information left by the overwhelming silence of the mainstream media. There are hundreds of Donald Douglases out there documenting and participating in what is turning out to be the 2009 Summer of Unrest in America.

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