Tuesday, August 11, 2009

If you convert, you die

There are those who can do nothing but bash American in their propaganda-filled heads but I would challenge them to go outside our borders and see atrocities in the rest of the world.

Religious freedom? It's unheard of in other parts of the world. Even now two young women sit in a jail in Iran after their March 2009 arrest, waiting to hear their fate which, for most others, has been death. Their crime? Being Christians in a Muslim world. They are only 27 and 30 years old.

From David Horowitz's Front Page Magazine comes an article, If You Convert You Die, by Nonie Darwish. Act for America says this article:
... provides great insight into the “Muslim world.” The iron grip of Islam on society is not maintained through love, understanding, and tolerance, but through fear, oppression and violence. “Apostates” face death; women who do not submit face physical violence and even death; non-Muslims face persecution and even death.

This world of Islamic shariah has come to America. You may recall the video we emailed a few weeks ago, where the Muslim “security guards,” verbally and physically assaulted a handful of Christians at a festival in Dearborn, Michigan.

You may recall the hate and anger espoused by pro-Palestinian demonstrators here in America in December and January, who were reacting to Israel’s military responses to the missile attacks from the Gaza Strip.

These are just two examples of the fear, oppression and violence that are part and parcel of radical Islam. Even some Muslims are awakening to the brutal reality of the religion they thought they knew.
I have maintained that, for all our faults, America is still the greatest country on earth. We must continue to preserve those freedoms to pass along to our children and grandchildren.

1 comment:

  1. Heck, I've seen it in THIS country. Muslims get violent over "apostasy" here. There are still honor killings going on.

    We also do it in the USA over politics. Look at the harassment that black conservatives get....
