Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Virginia: Are Warner and Webb in hiding?

~We Will Not Allow Ourselves to be Shamed Into Silence.~

My.BarackObama.com sent out letters to followers this week exhorting them to visit the offices of their representatives. They were motivated to action by falsehoods about "partisan attack groups stirring up fear with false rumors about the President's plan."

Here's an excerpt from the email that was sent:
As you've probably seen in the news, special interest attack groups are stirring up partisan mobs with lies about health reform, and it's getting ugly. Across the country, members of Congress who support reform are being shouted down, physically assaulted, hung in effigy, and receiving death threats. We can't let extremists hijack this debate, or confuse Congress about where the people stand.
Thus, with scripts at the ready, Organizing for America members will be dropping by local congressional offices to drum up support for so-called 'insurance reform.' This is considered noble community organizing, when done against taxpayers at taxpayer expense.

However, in Virginia, ain't nobody gonna be around for constituents to talk to.

Our esteemed Senator Jim Webb left Sunday on a two-week, five-nation tour of Asia to "explore opportunities to advance U.S. interests in Burma and the region." Senator Mark Warner has responded to a Townhall Meeting request by Richmond Tea Party with an offer to meet one-on-one with a staff member.

Instead of working with citizens in a spirit of cooperation, our representatives have gone into hiding. Even though they can show no evidence of Richmond Tea Party members being anything other than peaceful citizen activists wanting answers to basic questions about pending legislation -- they toe their party's line and accuse us of being angry mob members, and violent right wing extremists.

What is our next step?

While our "representatives" cringe in the shadows, fearful of having their health care scheme exposed for what it is, we will continue to work. We will reach out to the community with our message and become stronger in the light.

Last weekend, approximately 75 enthusiastic volunteers collected petition signatures at Carytown Watermelon Festival and the Outdoor Sportsman Show. Unlike our elected representatives, we are not afraid of finding opposition. We know that having the truth and facts on our side give confidence.

The result: Over 3,000 citizens signed our petitions against government takeover of our health care system! But we are not done. This weekend, Richmond Tea Party will be at the Gun Collector Show at RIR. Come and buy a ticket for our exciting raffle, and if you have not done so, sign the petition. We will not stop until we stop this administration's attempt to steal our liberty and freedom.
In the end, health insurance is like any other commodity. There are only two ways to obtain it: buy it, or force someone else to give it to you. -- Hot Air Blog, August 10
--From Richmond Tea Party

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