Friday, August 21, 2009

Kaine calls into Obama forum from New Jersey

- Virginia Faces $1.5B Budget Gap; Kaine Campaigns for Democrats -

Virginia is in fiancial crisis ... and our governor campaigns on behalf of the Democrat National Committee in another state:
Just one day after his admission that Virginia's public finances are in disastrous disarray, Governor Tim Kaine was pulling double duty in his other job as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Barely 24 hours after releasing the dismal report that disclosed that he had missed budget projections in Virginia by another $1.5 billion, Kaine today participated in a town hall meeting held by President Obama - by telephone from New Jersey, where he was also campaigning for struggling incumbent Governor Jon Corzine.

"This is just truly remarkable," said Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat Mullins. "Tim Kaine has missed our budget projections by more than six billion dollars in his term - including the new billion-and-a-half just this week - and the first thing he thinks to do is help push government-run health care while simultaneously politicking in New Jersey. Unbelievable."

Obama, Kaine and a number of Democrats held a town hall-style meeting that allowed people to participate by phone or over the Internet. The purpose was to promote the federal government takeover of health insurance.

The health care proposal would have a devastating impact on people's ability to make choices regarding their health care coverage and their doctors. The idea would place an additional barrier between a patient and a medical caregiver and make it much more difficult to obtain even the most basic health care needs. It amounts to a $1.6 trillion experiment that would add $239 billion to the federal deficit. The proposal would raise taxes by as much as $800 billion and would cut $500 billion from Medicare.

"I guess I understand that as the head of the DNC, he has to do what his party bosses say sometimes," Mullins said. "But sometimes you'd think he'd put Virginia's problems ahead of the interests of his national party. Where do his priorities lie?"

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