Thursday, August 20, 2009

Random conservative encounters

Had a meeting this morning with two local Tea Party ladies who are helping to coordinate the bus trip to Washington, DC, on September 12 for the National Taxpayer Protest. When I returned to my vehicle, the car parked next to me had a bumper sticker that said:
Americans for Prosperity -- Virginia
It was a great bumper sticker and good to see AFP represented in Staunton. I took one of my business cards and wrote on the back that we had buses leaving Staunton heading to DC on September 12 for the nationwide tea party and invited this anonymous person to join us.

When I returned home, there was an email from the gentleman who is a local businessman. He said he would like to go but would be out of state that weekend but asked to be kept in the loop.

I called Ben Marchi, Virginia State Director of Americans for Prosperity, and caught him as he was driving to Roanoke for the AFP Hot Air Balloon tour event later today, and told him about the bumper sticker on a vehicle in a parking lot ... wanted to let him know AFP is really making inroads and it was neat to see one of their bumper stickers locally.

It was a random conservative encounter ... reaching out to like-minded Americans ... but not the last, I'm sure.

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