Thursday, August 13, 2009

Katy Abram ... the new voice of the Silent Majority

She's 35 years old, genuine, articulate, and a stay-at-home mom. She's never been interested in politics before ... but the massive government programs forced on the American public by Democrat President Barack Obama and the Democrat Congress have awakened her.

Her name is Katy Abram and she stood up at a townhall meeting held by Arlen Specter on Tuesday to question her elected representative. She said:

"I am a Republican. But first and foremost I am a conservative. I don't think this is just about health care. It's not about TARP. It's not about left and right. This is about the systematic dismantling of this country. I'm only 35, I've never been interested in politics. You have awakened the sleeping giant. We are tired of this. This is why everybody in this room is so ticked off."
Her seven-year-old daughter asked who the "giant" was ... and Katy's answer was astounding because she so well defined those who are now standing up and speaking out.

Katy is an ordinary American citizen who is alarmed at the direction her country has taken in six short months so she went to a townhall meeting to exercise her First Amendment right to free speech and her right to talk with her elected representative.

For that, Katy Abram has been attacked by angry, vengeful, irrational liberal Democrats who found her cell phone number and began calling to attack her with vicious names and rants. They called her father's place of business to do the same. She was astounded and afraid and confused ... she was just a citizen who happened to be captured on national TV and was thrust into the limelight just because she questioned her country's government. And for that she has been excoriated by Democrats.

Near to tears while talking and sitting beside her husband, Mrs. Abram was interviewed on Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity Show Wednesday. On Glenn Beck's radio show Thursday morning, she spoke through sobs as she recalled her appearance the night before on Chris Matthews' Hardball program on MSNBC. As she described it, the lamb was led to slaughter ... but the lamb survived.

Conservatives are constantly attacked by Democrats and the far left, as many can testify. The Democrat playbook: Destroy, destroy, destroy. Tear them down, run them down, and make them quit.

We're not quitters ... and neither is Katy Abram.

Justin Quinn at U.S. Conservative Politics has an excellent post about Katie: Specter awakens a sleeping tiger and her name is Katie Abram. He has picked up on this quiet lady who has become a symbol for those who are upset in America and, in his blog, we discover he and Katy were high school classmates. It's a great read.

It is interesting that those who are least interested in leadership, the quiet heroes among us, often unexpectedly become the leaders. Katy, I believe, is one of those people.

We the People ... the sleeping giant has been awakened.

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