Thursday, September 24, 2009

Augusta County BOS doubles animal license fees

With what many consider unnecessary spending going on in Augusta County including hiring staff in the $85,000+ range, it seemed inevitable that taxes would be raised. Wednesday night that is exactly what happened during the board of supervisors meeting:
Augusta County approved a fee hike Wednesday that will double the license and kennel costs for dog owners.

Following a public hearing with no residents speaking for or against the proposal, the Board of Supervisors voted to increase the $5 fees for unneutered dogs to $10, the $3 license fee for neutered dogs to $6 and the $25 kennel fee to $50.
At a time when Americans are reeling under the stress of lost jobs, lost investments, real estate downturn, and company cutbacks, the supervisors saw fit to impose more taxes in the form of "fees" with a fine of up to $250 per violation if tags are not purchased.

After the huge outcry of county residents earlier this year over real estate assessments ...

... after 1,000 residents attended the board of supervisors meeting to show disapproval of outrageous real estate assessments ...

... after 10,000+ residents signed petitions asking supervisors to roll back assessments to 2005 values ...

... Augusta County government still does not understand that we are in a recession as they continue to increase taxes and spend our tax dollars.

Outrage over tax increases is not unique to Augusta County or even Virginia ... it's going on everywhere.

And don't forget the largest tax protest event ever just two weeks ago with the March on Washington when upwards of 1 million+ American patriots marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the U.S. Capitol.

We will remember in November 2011.

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