Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Another trip around the sun

Okay, all you Parrotheads ... it's time for another Trip Around the Sun!

While many may be dreaming of palm trees and beach sand, I'm looking outside where it's snowing again and, for me, that's perfect for today. I'm a winter baby and each year I wish for snow on my birthday. Living in Virginia, that wish has come true quite often throughout the years.

My most perfect birthday was exactly 30 years ago today spent at Wintergreen where my boyfriend/now-husband and I skiied with friends as the snow gently fell all day. We celebrated at the end of the day with a cake that had a pile of snow (icing) in the middle with two red skis stuck in the snow bank. It was perfect.

Today is shaping up to be very similar. It was snowing when I woke up and the deck was covered. Snow continues to come down on top of the 20" or so already on the ground, and the weatherman says we could get another half-foot on top of that.

For this winter baby, it's the perfect birthday.

"Never regret growing older. Just think of the alternative." --Unknown


  1. Happy Birthday, snow bunny.

  2. Would that be a snowshoe bunny? :) Thanks, Mike ... I'm lovin' it!

  3. Have a great day Lynn!

  4. Many thanks, Carl.

    Wait! Carl ... Carl Kilo? Is that really you? LOL. Hope you're doing well and enjoying the snow. You've been missed in the blogosphere.

  5. Happy Birthday, Lynn! Fins up from snowy Northern Virginia, where flip flops are always in style.
