Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Calling all home schoolers! Help save HB 926

Yesterday morning in the House Education committee, HB 926 was voted down on a 12-9 decision. The bill, patroned by Delegate Rob Bell (R-58, Charlottesville), would allow home schooled students to participate in public school sports, on the rational that they contribute equal financial support to the schools, they are required to maintain certain state academic standards, and they are as much a part of the school’s community as any public school student.

The main criterion that was relied upon by the opposition was the argument that a “double standard” would be created if home schooled students were allowed to participate in athletics without being required to pass the five academic course minimum currently imposed on public school students.

Eventually, the debate boiled down to fairness, with opponents arguing that homeschool participation would be unfair to public school students. However, figures brought up ironically by a Virginia High School League (VHSL) lobbyist revealed that only 2% of high school students in Virginia are home schooled. Because of the small number of home schoolers, the impact on athletic teams would be minimal (as both sides stated), while the impact on educational freedom would be immense.

Unfortunately, the bill failed to proceed to the floor. However, this does not have to be the end of HB 926! If HB 926 is brought up at the next House Education committee meeting Wednesday (the last meeting prior to Crossover) by one of the delegates who voted on the prevailing side (those opposed to HB 926), another vote can be taken. With such a slim margin of defeat last time, the outcome could very well be different.

ACTION: Contact your delegate and ask them to bring HB 926 back to committee and change their vote on the bill at the next Education Committee meeting!

--From the Family Foundation

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