Friday, February 05, 2010

New chairman for 6th Congressional District?

No official word has been heard from 6th Congressional District Chairman Fred Anderson about retiring but two names have emerged as contenders for the chairman's seat, both revealed on the blog of one of the candidates.

Greg Habeeb who is Salem GOP Chairman, has been writing about his candidacy for several weeks. When I first heard he was running, I was surprised because nothing had been heard about Fred and his intentions.

Then a few days ago his fellow blogger, Adam Boitnoitt, revealed that Trixie Averill was also in the race for chairman even though Trixie herself had not made an official announcement. He wrote:
We now have two people both from the Roanoke Valley in the race to be the 6th Congressional District Chairman. The candidates to date are Greg Habeeb (Salem) and Trixie Averill (Roanoke County).
I'll admit I've only known Greg the past two years while he's been chair of Salem.

Trixie I've known the past 10 years as we've worked on many campaigns in the 6th District. She has been actively involved for 20 years, on State Central Committee for 18 years, is RPV's Western Vice Chairman, and is a tireless activist who travels the state for the GOP.

It looks as if the 6th District will soon have a new chairman....

Update: Thanks to Virginia Talks (Style Weekly blog) for the link.

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