Friday, February 05, 2010

A winter to remember....

Snow-covered swing waits for spring....

River birch frames alpine....

Snowy winterland where picnics take place in summer.

The snowy winter woods....

The wet snow is picturesque as it clings to everything.

A snow curl on storage building.

Everything is snow-covered....

Snow has continued in the central Shenandoah Valley since before daybreak this morning, putting down about an inch an hour on top of earlier snowfalls.

SWAC Husband kept the front sidewalk and deck shoveled throughout the day. A neighbor came over on his four-wheeler with snow blade and cleared the driveway late this afternoon so it wouldn't be so deep tomorrow. A Vietnam veteran, he was talking about standing in line in the store yesterday and hearing a woman behind him complaining about the snow. He finally turned around and told her, "If you don't like it, you are free to move to Florida." She stopped complaining ... at least, within earshot of him. He was tunnel rat in Vietnam. 'Nuff said.

I took my camera outside around 4:00 and followed the pathways carved into the snow by SWAC Husband from an earlier storm and then went beyond the path, stepping into snow that was almost knee-deep, and trudged around the yard. It was slow going but beautiful ... bushes and trees were weighted down with snow ... SWAC Daughter's snowboard trail was almost filled in ... the woods were silent as the flakes softly fell.

Dinner was cooked on the woodstove ... SWAC Daughter baked chocolate chip cookies ... a movie is waiting to be watched. The local weather forecast is still saying we should receive another foot or so of snow. We'll see what is out there in the morning. We're grateful to be safe and warm from the storm and pray that others are, too.

It's winter in the Shenandoah Valley....

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
5 February 2010

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