Monday, March 08, 2010

Transcript: Jean Shrewsbury testified against law to help taxpayers

Jean Shrewsbury, Commissioner of Revenue for Augusta County, VA, testifies against bill to help taxpayers with real estate assessments.
Video courtesy of Family Foundation.

This is the transcript of Jean Shrewsbury's testimony before the Senate Finance Committee on February 29, 2010, against HB 570, the "burden of proof" bill that would have transferred the burden of proof of a property's value from the taxpayer to the assessor. Her testimony begins at 5:23:
"I'm Jean Shrewsbury. I'm Commissioner of Revenue of Augusta County, and I represent the Commissioners Association.

"We oppose this bill. It would administratively change, dramatically, what must take place whenever we are charged with a uniform and equitable assessment to all properties within our localities."
Augusta County citizens spent the past year in battle with Augusta County and Ms. Shrewsbury over what they considered excessively high real estate assessments. Her testimony appears to suggest that government is not listening.

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