Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Back in the home school classroom ... Generation Joshua summer camp

Generation Joshua has been a wonderful teacher of civics for home school students interested in participating in or pursuing politics. Summer camp will be held at Patrick Henry College in Purcellville June 27-July 3 but registration deadline is June 14.

Summer camp is open to any Generation Joshua (GenJ) member between the ages of 14 and 17. Cost: $550, less a $100 discount for HSLDA member families, children of parents in full-time ministry, and active or retired military. It includes transportation from the designated arrival airport to camp and back, lodging, food, and access to all activities (see website for all the details). Participants must have a valid membership in Generation Joshua (see guidelines on the website).

The Generation Joshua iGovern East camp is an opportunity for teens to learn from fabulous speakers and participate in mock legislative and election programs. Along with nationally known speakers, they’ll enjoy daily chapel and a day of touring the nation's capital, plus plenty of sports and games. Get a full description on the website.

If, after reading the pages online, you still have a question or comment, please send an e-mail to to the attention of “Camp Director,” or call 540-338-8606.

A SWAC area home school student who participated with Generation Joshua throughout high school and college recently began work on Capitol Hill for a Congressman. It offers a wonderful background for those who are interested in politics.

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