Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Free speech won ... this time

Adam Bitely reported the ruling (congrats on being linked by Michelle Malkin):
In a closely watched decision that came out earlier today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in a 3-0 decision that the Federal Communications Commission does not have legal authority to enforce Net Neutrality regulations on Internet Service Providers.
He adds:
For those that are unfamiliar with Net Neutrality, you should watch this great video from
Neil Stevens at Red State also covers it, writing:
Judge David Tatel, Clinton appointed successor of now-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wrote for the court that since even the FCC acknowledged it had no “express statutory authority” to go after Comcast for regulating use of Bittorrent on its network, the Commission had to show that the regulation was “reasonably ancillary” to the authority it does have. The FCC did not, and so the FCC’s order to Comcast has been thrown out.
The red alert sent up by all of them is the same: Do not let your guard down because the liberal progressives will come after those First Amendment rights again or, as Adam puts it:
Don't expect progressives to give up on Net Neutrality now because of a court ruling. At this time, more than ever before, we should be keeping a watchful eye on what they do next to sneak these Internet regulations through. Progressives never take no for answer.

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