Monday, August 15, 2011

Republican Governors Association taps Va. Governor Bob McDonnell as chair

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell has been named the new chairman of the Republican Governors Association following the decision by Texas Governor Rick Perry to enter the presidential race. McDonnell had been serving as vice chairman.

Virginia's Governor had been expected to step into the top spot next year. Perry's plans simply accelerated that move, landing McDonnell on the national stage where his star continues to rise on the national Republican political scene.

Concerning the RGA position, the Governor commented:
“It is a tremendous honor to lead the RGA. Thanks to the strong leadership of Governor Perry and the nation’s twenty-nine Republican governors, the RGA is in position to have an unprecedented impact this election cycle.

“I look forward to working with my fellow Republican governors to expand our majority and ensure the RGA remains the most effective political committee in the nation. Republican governors are leading the way in helping the private sector create new jobs, reforming government and getting our economy back on track.”
Already mentioned as a vice presidential candidate, McDonnell won the gubernatorial election in a landslide in 2009, helping to win the Top Three spots in Virginia for Lt. Governor Bill Bolling and Attorney Gen. Ken Cuccinelli. He remains a popular governor, regularly polling around 60% approval rating, and as a fundraiser throughout the Commonwealth as well as a sought-after speaker on the television news shows.

McDonnell made jobs his number one priority while campaigning for governor, recognizing the downturn in the economy, and he followed through with that promise once in office, making sure companies know that Virginia is open for business.

The spotlight will now intensify on our Governor as his star continues to rise....

Cross-posted at Bearing Drift

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