Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.11: Veterans Day ... freedom is not free

"For those who have fought for it,
Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."

On this day we want to pause and give thanks to our military veterans for their service to our country and for helping to keep us free.

That includes my World War II dad who served on the USS Wisconsin in the Pacific, my World War II step-dad who served on the USS Denver, my Vietnam era husband who served in the Air Force, my brother-in-law who served in the US Army, and home school graduate Sgt. Nate Salatin, USMC, who served two tours of duty in Iraq during Operation Iraq Freedom. It also includes my friend Kurt Michael.

It includes 93-year-old Mr. Hite who served in three wars, a neighbor who survived the Battle of the Bulge, another neighbor who survived being MIA in Korea, yet another neighbor who was in Vietnam, and even our own Governor Bob McDonnell. May we never forget the sacrifices they and their families have endured to protect our country.

Here's a salute to all the military, active and veterans, who are in and around the Staunton area and beyond. That includes you, Jim Hoeft, Bearing Drift's own head correspondent. Thank you, thank you, thank you ... and may God bless America.

Cross-posted at Bearing Drift

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell

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