Friday, November 11, 2011

Gov. Bob McDonnell endorses George Allen for U.S. Senate

Virginia's very popular Governor Bob McDonnell announced his endorsement this morning of George Allen for U.S. Senate. In an email from the Governor, he wrote:
I wanted you to be one of the first to know that today I'm announcing my support for George Allen to be Virginia's next United States Senator.

Maureen and I have known George and Susan for years. Like us they wonder what the future will hold for our children and yours. It's what motivates George to run today.

He's focused his campaign on solving problems with big ideas that will help private sector businesses create jobs, unleash our abundant energy resources, and get America working again.

George will work to rein in Washington's destructive spending and crushing regulations because too often they stand in the way of growth and progress. We need George Allen in the United States Senate fighting for us.

The eyes of the country will be on Virginia in 2012.

This year we made significant gains - strengthening our majority in the House of Delegates to historic levels and ending the Democrats control of the State Senate. Next year our sights are set on helping achieve a majority in the U.S. Senate. And Virginia once again will be at the forefront of that fight.

The road ahead won't be easy, but things worth fighting for rarely are. George Allen will need all of our help. He has my support and I'm hoping he can count on yours as well.
McDonnell's video endorsement has been posted on Facebook.

Proud to be part of the A-Team for 2012....

George Allen for U.S. Senate

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