Tuesday, October 03, 2006

George Allen: The issues

OK. Now can we please get back to the issues in this Senate race?

George Allen has a proven 20-year record of public service. He wasn't a do-nothing Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia ... he got things done!

As Governor:
1) Made Virginians safer by abolishing parole for violent criminals.
2) Brought high academic standards and resources to Virginia schools.
3) Reformed welfare.
4) Cut taxes.
5) Recruited new, good-paying jobs.

George Allen hasn't been a do-nothing Senator in D.C. He's gotten things done!

As Senator:
1) Offered clear plans to end our dependence on Mideast oil.
2) Offered plans to secure our borders.
3) Plans to strengthen our economy by controlling spending and reducing the tax burden on families, retirees and small business owners.
4) National Innovation Act will promote math, science and technology to provide our students with the tools they need to compete and succeed.
5) Since 9/11 steps taken to protect our homeland.
6) He is concerned by the war in Iraq and wants our troops to come home as soon as possible in victory – not defeat. They – and their families – have made great sacrifices for our security. They understand the consequences of failure. Leaving Iraq as a safe haven for terrorists will leave America less secure ... and that’s a risk we cannot afford.

At his website, www.georgeallen.com, issues are set out so anyone can see what he stands for.

I want someone to represent me who can stand on issues, can work with others, can get the job done, and who will be a statesman and a Virginia gentleman. And before you tell me he's not from Virginia ... so what?! He has proven he cares more about the welfare of the people of Virginia than some who are born-and-raised here.

November 7 - re-elect George Allen to the U.S. Senate!

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