Tuesday, October 03, 2006

George Allen's back!

I was in Harrisonburg last night with fellow Republicans for dinner with Lt. Governor Bill Bolling and missed George Allen's TV appearance at 7:58 p.m. Thanks to the blogs, when we returned to Republican Headquarters in Staunton, we were able to watch it on the computer.

That was our George Allen! He set forth what he had accomplished as Governor and Senator, and what his plans were for the future. We know what he stands for and what he has done for the people of Virginia.

There's 35 days left until Election Day. Let's keep working hard and re-elect George Allen to the U.S. Senate!

Text of speech:

Good evening I’m George Allen.

For more than a decade with Susan by my side, I’ve had the honor of serving you; as Governor, and now in the United States Senate. Virginians expect to hear us address the real issues you care about.

Over the past several weeks that hasn’t been the case. Some of this I’ve brought on myself. But the negative personal attacks and baseless allegations have also pulled us away from what you expect and deserve. I’m confident that if this Senate race is decided on issues, ideas and my proven record of performance, you’ll allow me to continue serving you.

As Governor, we made Virginia safer by abolishing parole for violent criminals. Brought high academic standards and resources to our schools. Reformed welfare, cut taxes and recruited new, good paying jobs. In the Senate, I’ve offered clear plans to end our dependence on Mideast oil, secure our borders and strengthen our economy by controlling spending and reducing the tax burden on families, retirees and small business owners. My National Innovation Act will promote math, science and technology to provide our students with the tools they need to compete and succeed.

Since 9/11 we’ve taken steps to protect our homeland. But like many of you, I’m concerned by the war in Iraq. I want our troops to come home as soon as possible. And I want them to come home in victory – not defeat.

They – and their families – have made great sacrifices for our security. They understand the consequences of failure. Leaving Iraq as a safe haven for terrorists will leave America less secure. And that’s a risk we cannot afford.

In the weeks ahead, it’s my hope to have an invigorating debate worthy of our rich history.

I’m George Allen and I approve this message because I believe in Virginia…I believe in our people and most importantly…I believe in our future together.

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