Sunday, May 11, 2008

Kurt Michael's response to Roller's public airing

[Editor's Note: Augusta Republican Chairman Kurt Michael continues to work behind closed doors to solve issues within the Augusta County GOP. After Larry Roller wrote a half-page public airing on the opinion pagesof the News Leader, Dr. Michael decided to respond with a letter but continues to take the high road and work out of the public spotlight to solve this issue. Roller will not be able to bring unity but will continue to purge local Republicans of Sayre supporters just as he tried to purge delegates to the 6th District Convention.]

Kurt Michael's response to Roller's public airing
By Kurt Michael

I am grateful the 6th District confirmed my election as Augusta Republican chairman at its convention last week. By a clear margin, the 6th district upheld the results of the Augusta Mass Meeting held April 10.

As I stated publicly on April 18, I will be stepping down as Augusta GOP Chairman after the Virginia State Republican Convention at the end of this month. The Augusta Republicans will then elect a new Chairman, according to proper process and procedures, very soon thereafter.

While my decision to relinquish the Chairmanship did not come easy, my primary motivation was for the larger good of the Republican party — a party I hold very dear. By stepping aside, an opportunity for a consensus candidate is created — someone who can lead all conservatives in Augusta and focus on the true challenge of the fall elections.

With my resignation and a fair election of a new chairman next month, one may question the motivation of Larry Roller's unsuccessful appeal to the district last week, and indeed the rumors of yet another appeal at the state level. I would ask Larry Roller once again, to reconsider his actions in order to help bring unity to the party.

To me, the best path for anyone who desires to be Augusta GOP chairman would be to run for the position soon after the state convention, without controversy and in the spirit of unity. The only purpose a series of appeals serves is to continue the division that exists within our party. This must stop.

As Augusta Republican chairman, I look forward to leading our delegation to the state convention in Richmond. I have been honored to serve as a volunteer chairman of our local Republican party for over five years, and I am forever indebted to all of you who have supported me throughout my tenure. I am still committed to our conservative values and I will continue to promote these values in ways apart from being chairman.

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