Sunday, May 11, 2008

Augusta GOP controversy ... a tale of two newspapers

Friday's Staunton News Leader ran with a half-page column from Larry Roller detailing his side of the controversy that has been ongoing in Augusta County since the GOP mass meeting that was held on April 10, 2008. In it he made false statements and contradictions.

I read the one-sided piece and commented to Chairman Kurt Michael, "If I were the News Leader and had received a piece like that, I would have contacted the other side and offered a rebuttal. Then I would have put the two columns side-by-side on the opinion page with a line between and offered a point-counterpoint all at one time so the readers could decide."

Indeed, when Chairman Michael submitted his letter to the editor to the Waynesboro News Virginian, the publisher did just that. He called Kurt and offered a counterpoint to Roller and suggested he could have more space that the short letter Kurt wrote.

Kurt does not want to air the details of this situation in the public anymore than necessary at this point. He is working privately by talking with Delegate Steve Landes, Delegate Ben Cline, RPV John Hager, Sheriff Randy Fisher, and others to pull the Party together. However, it was nice to see a newspaper try to take a fair-and-balanced stand.

I go back to the parable of King Solomon and the two women who claimed to be mothers of the same baby ... and use it to point out who is more concerned about the future of the Augusta County Republican Committee. Kurt wants to resolve our differences in private as they should be. Roller wants to resolve it on the pages of the local newspaper.

Who cares more for what's best for the Party?

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