Tuesday, June 10, 2008

McDonnell: "Let's win Virginia for McCain"

From Bob McDonnell....

On Monday, Senator John McCain launched his general election campaign in Virginia. He held events in Richmond and Northern Virginia seeking the vote of every Virginian. In the coming weeks and months, I will actively and vigorously promote his candidacy. I hope you will join me in this effort.

In a world of conflict and change, voters are seeking positive solutions to the challenges we face. From foreign policy to energy to spending, the next President will make choices that will resonate for decades to come, and impact the lives of all Americans. The choice this year is clear. There is no one more prepared, more trustworthy or better suited to assume the mantle of "Leader of the Free World" than Senator John McCain. Having distinguished himself with a lifetime of service, this is truly an hour in which the man and the moment have met.

John McCain has the vision we need. Just as importantly, he has the record we can trust.

Our nation needs fiscal discipline. John McCain has led the fight for earmark reform and spending cuts. Our nation needs a robust free-market, unshackled from excessive government intervention, so that we can prosper in a dynamic global market. John McCain is committed to reducing regulation and empowering our business owners and entrepreneurs to create jobs, wealth and opportunity. Our nation needs a coherent and strong foreign pol icy suited to the global challenges we face. John McCain understands these challenges, has demonstrated leadership on meeting them and will be a president that the world respects; and history remembers. Our nation needs a president committed to protecting the sanctity of life. John McCain has a solid pro-life record.

Virginians know John McCain. They know he is a patriot. They know he is independent. They know that his record confirms his rhetoric and his vision is based on his values.

America needs John McCain in the Oval Office.

I invite you to join the effort to elect John McCain the next President of the United States. Put a sticker on your car. Place a sign in your yard. Tell a friend about his record. Write a letter to the editor. Donate to the campaign.

To get involved please the John McCain website.

To use a phrase a Navy hero like John McCain is familiar with, in the 2008 election its time for "All hands on deck." Let's keep Virginia red in 2008 and let's keep America number one in the world. Let's elect John McCain President of the United States.

-- Bob McDonnell

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