Tuesday, June 10, 2008

RPV Convention photos - Part 5: The bloggers

SWAC area bloggers
Jason Bibeau (Augusta Water Cooler)
Kurt Michael (SixtyFour81.com)

Alex Davis with newly elected RPV Chairman Jeff Frederick.

Lynn Mitchell (SWAC Girl, SixtyFour81.com)
Alton Foley (I'm Not Emeril)

ODBA bloggers from left to right:
Ron (Isaphorone), SWAC Girl, & Alton Foley
Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia Patriot)
Chris Green (Spank That Donkey)

Alton Foley

Photos by SWAC Girl & Cathy Dickson


  1. Hey, when we took a picture, did I break the camera - again?

  2. I think *I* broke the camera. Out of all those photos I took -- over 100 in all -- the ones with you were not there. I don't know what happened. That's okay ... I'll catch you at the next big GOP event! The Advance will be big this year and, hopefully, many of the conservative bloggers will be there.

  3. Oops, I'll just age another year. I won't be at the Advance. Daughter's wedding is in the month following. Way it goes. I was asked for a photo from the convention. I didn't take any.
