Sunday, July 13, 2008

Those ever-so-gracious lefty bloggers....

That didn't take long. Within minutes of posting about the "third rail" of blogging, an anonymous (as usual) commenter left the following:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "From On High discusses the blogger 'third rail':"

Ha, I figured those on the right would be super jealous of the left's success, especially our own Lowell Feld.

Just a note - NONE OF YOU will ever make a fraction of the impact we all have. Sorry. The blogosphere just isn't you thing. Stick to gun shows.

Keyboard jockeys funded by George Soros and others. That's okay ... let 'em laugh and misunderestimate the right....


  1. "misunderestimate" is not a word.

  2. Well, duh, Zen. Oh -- wait! "Duh" isn't a word either! :)

  3. Anonymous seems very familiar with the impact and the Daily Kos had in getting Kerry elected...oh, wait. That's right, Rathergate was the most effective work of political blogging that has yet occurred.

    That being said, it is silly for either side to get to cocky. Anonymous reminds me of the Democrats in 2000 and 2004, certain of victory, only to be left disappointed. Friendly hint for Anonymous; don't get your hopes up, you only set yourself up for a big disappointment. What'll happen, will happen.
