Friday, May 15, 2009

Global warming ... er, global cooling ... which is it?

Al Gore et al would have us believe global warming is about to do in Planet Earth. Now comes a new report saying we are in global cooling.

Terri Jackson, who is a Queens graduate physicist, climatologist, and formerly founder of the Energy Group at the Institute of Physics, London, believes the earth has entered a cooling stage. An excerpt from her report, which I suggest you read in full:
There is now irrefutable scientific evidence that far from global warming the earth has now entered a period of global cooling which will last at least for the next two decades.
The evidence that the earth is in a cooling mode rather than a warming mode is there for all to see. The RSS (Remote Sensing System) in Santa Rosa California has recorded a temperature fall of two to three degrees in the Arctic since 2005, while U.S. Army buoys show an increase in Arctic ice thickness to 3.5 metres. North America has had two of its worst winters for sixty years with the temperature in Yellowstone Park falling to a staggering minus 60 degrees.

About 46” of snow fell in New York in two weeks! Last February, Toronto had over 70 cms of snow, more than anything since 1950! Snow has fallen in parts of China and Asia for the first time in living memory while Britain had its worst January for twenty years. Alps have best snow conditions in a generation ran a newspaper headline last December. Strange indeed that the BBC, who likes us to believe it is impartial, does not mention these freezing temperatures and Arctic conditions.
The discussion continues....


  1. Every time you drive to work, you are putting your children one step closer to either being a human popsickle or to spontaneously combust. We may freeze or we may burn, but its obvious that man is evil and he is the lone cause of this and if you don't believe it you are a hateful, racist, sexist, age-ist, bigoted, homophobe who likes to waterboard bunnies.

  2. Just think how easier it would be to stop "climate change" (warming, cooling? Its all change. Send them money)if ALL of the moonbat environmentalists like AlGore would hold their breath and stop emitting CO2. If that's too hard, they can just breath into a plastic bag and recycle it.

  3. I really wanted to say something pithy and witty and then realized I had just one question: Whats wrong with waterboarded bunnies?

    After all we're expecting brilliance from a political party who put a guy into the top bankers slot who was confused by a tax prep program. A tax prep program designed for people who barely understand the concept of velcro.
