As the battle at Notre Dame continues, the insanity of arresting peaceful pro-life protesters seems unbelievable. Alan Keyes has been arrested twice; Friday night he was supposed to be a guest on the Sean Hannity show on Fox News but was still in jail. Randall Terry stood in for Mr. Keyes and pointed people to to see live coverage of the protests and arrests, photos, and up-to-the-minute coversage.
Film footage showed grey-haired people being arrested ... a Catholic priest was handcuffed by police as he questioned why they were arresting a Catholic priest who was standing up for the unborn. Some have said this controversy has brought crisis to the Catholic church.
Where is Notre Dame's president to stop the arrests? Where is the church to protect Catholic priests and others who are standing up for the rights of the unborn which is why they are protesting Obama's receipt of an honorary degree.
I am not Catholic but have been impressed and touched by the passion of those who are standing up for what they believe. To see grandparents arrested because they are standing up for what they believe in is moving. To know that grandparents are being arrested is, in my opinion, disgusting. Someone should put a stop to this.
The timing of this entire debacle is ironic considering the newly released Gallup poll reporting 51% of Americans consider themselves pro-life as opposed to 42% who consider themselves pro-choice. It is the first time more more have been pro-life since 1995.
I will be watching this weekend as events lead up to Sunday's commencement ceremony.
UPDATE: Fox News is reporting that authorities plan to hold Dr. Keyes in jail until Monday.
2nd UPDATE: David at Augusta Conservative has more thoughts on this issue.
The catholics are becoming irrelevent. After 2 centuries of power abuse their somber, latin-speak ways is quickly being replaced by the charismatic movement. Add to that that this Pope is a known power hungry Opus Dei radical, the fact that a recent study estimate that between 25-50% of the clergy are gay, and that 60% of the Notre Dame catholics still want Obama to speak...this protest is stupid and silly.
ReplyDeleteKeyes was just trying to get some attention, any attention. I hope that he doesn't become the GOP's Al Sharpton.
The left has always will likely always support free speech and the exchanging of ideas, so long at it's their version of free speech and their ideas. Notre Dame is historically signifigant and used to stand for an educationa vestage of what mattered and what was sacred, now however they are just embarassing themselves. I wonder what the Pope's take on this is?
ReplyDeleteThe Pope has been conspicuously quiet....could there be a rift between the American catholics and the Vatican? Their relationship has been quite strained over the past few years due to that pesky little pedaphilia/child abuse thing.
ReplyDeleteI believe in the Protests at Notre Dame, I believe they should withdrawl their invitation to the President of the United States. Abortion is wrong, those who think otherwise have never truly seen one or understand it. I am proud that the Catholic Church has stood strong in their Pro-Life stance. I wonder what our Founding Fathers would say if they heard this issue?
ReplyDeleteCatholics are irrevelent?? Scalia, Alito,Roberts,are they irrevelent? Wasn't Thomas raised a Catholic? I wish that bigots like anonymous were irrevelent, but the media gives them lots of coverage.
ReplyDeleteWhy is President Obama still coming? The President obviously has a television, this whole issue has exploded and the Notre Dame graduation will no longer be about the graduates if he comes. It will be all about him. Obama should recognize this, as I am sure he has, and graciously bow out of the ceremony. The truly honorable thing for our President to do, would be to allow the ceremony to be about the graduates, not about Obama gracing them with his presence.
ReplyDeleteThe proof that Catholics are not irrelevant can be found in Del. Chris Saxman, Del. Ben Cline, former AG Bob McDonnell, home school friends who are Catholic, and the many Catholic GOP volunteers.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous is using a broad brush to unfairly judge a group of people.
and swac girl is a moron and a pathetic blogger.