The mission of Stop Obama at Notre Dame is two-fold:
Our Mission:Film footage showed gray-haired people being arrested ... a Catholic priest was handcuffed by police as he questioned why they were arresting a Catholic priest who was standing up for the unborn. Some have said this controversy has brought crisis to the Catholic church.
1) Stop President Obama from Speaking at Notre Dame on May 17 by peaceful protests;
2) The dismissal of Rev. Jenkins as Notre Dame President.
Our Secondary Mission:
1) If Obama decides to run again in 2012, we have politically tarred him with the blood of babies in such a way that he cannot win;
2) Create such peaceful havoc that no other Catholic University commits this treachery;
3) Recruit and train new warriors to defend Life and Truth in “on the job” training.
Where is Notre Dame's president to stop the arrests? Where is the church to protect Catholic priests and others who are standing up for the rights of the unborn which is why they are protesting Obama's receipt of an honorary degree?
I am not Catholic but have been impressed and touched by the passion of those who are standing up to the University. To see grandparents arrested because they are standing up for what they believe in is moving. To know that grandparents are being arrested is, in my opinion, disgusting. Someone should put a stop to it.
The timing of this entire debacle is ironic considering the newly released Gallup poll reporting 51% of Americans consider themselves pro-life as opposed to 42% who consider themselves pro-choice. It is the first time more more have been pro-life since 1995.
I will be watching this weekend as events lead up to Sunday's commencement ceremony.
Previous post and comments here.
UPDATE #1: Fox News is reporting that authorities plan to hold Dr. Keyes in jail until Monday.
UPDATE #2: David at Augusta Conservative has more thoughts on this issue.
UPDATE #3: Fox News reports that honorary law degree irks Catholics.
UPDATE # 4: Dr. Douglas at American Power weighs in with Sigh ... Excoriating Traditional Catholics as Medieval Fundamentalists.
I blogged about this today. I can't believe the left's attacks on traditionals. Mindboggling!