Seems like a political move: Schedule meetings close together so one runs into the other and offers the opportunity to escape.
The Minot Daily News picked up on the story with "Conrad speaks; no time to listen":
MOHALL - What was billed as a "health-care listening session" featuring Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., ended abruptly after the senator heard from just two residents of the Good Samaritan Society Center and announced that he was out of time. As Conrad made a quick exit, many in the crowd that had spilled out into the hallways could be heard expressing their shock and disappointment at not having a chance to quiz the senator about the looming health-care bill or other pressing national issues.Thanks to Americans for Prosperity-North Dakota's Executive Director Dustin Gawrylow for the heads-up.
"Isn't that something. This is America where we are supposed to be heard," said one attendee to anyone who would listen.
Another responded, "Pretty slick, wasn't it? What do you expect out of Washington today?"
Earlier Conrad told the gathering, which consisted of residents of the center and a large number of area citizens who took time from their day to attend the 2:30 p.m. listening session, that he had to leave to avoid being late for a similar meeting in Stanley.
So much for the Democrats' believing in our constitutional right to "petition the government for a redress of grievances."