Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Taxpayer Protest ... Sept. 12 March on Washington, DC

~ Bus Trip to Washington, DC ~
The Tea Party Movement Goes to Capitol HillSaturday, Sept. 12
Suzanne Curran, Northern Shenandoah Valley Coordinator
Lynn Mitchell, Southern Shenandoah Valley Coordinator

This is an opportunity to show we do not want government health care, government bailouts, and ObamaCare! Those of us in states surrounding DC can represent thousands nationwide who cannot make it to the Nation's Capitol ... join us! All-day coverage will be provided by Fox News Channel and Glenn Beck.

Feel free to wear patriotic clothing and bring flags and signs (no poles or sticks).

Buses will start from Staunton and pick up along I-81. One bus is already full; a second is filling up, and others will be added as needed. Don't miss out -- sign up today!

Staunton - Quick's Motorcoach:Comfortable 44-passsenger motorcoaches with restrooms and air conditioning will transport us to D.C. Cost is $35 per person (due Sept. 3) and includes bottled water and bus driver tip.

In addition, we have access to a handicap-accessible 18-passenger bus that will hold three wheelchairs plus 15 additional seats.

Email for additional info or to sign up.

Dick Armey - FreedomWorks
Matt Kibbe - FreedomWorks
Mason Weaver, San Diego, CA
John Tate, Campaign for Liberty
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN)
Apostle Claver T. Kamau-Imani, Houston, TX
Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots
Darla Dawald,
Brendan Steinhauser, FreedomWorks
Steve Elliot, Grassfire
Kellen Giuda, New York City
Deneen Borelli, The National Center for Public Policy Research/Project 21
Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty
Stephen Baldwin and Kevin McCollough, X-Treme Radio
Yaron Brook, Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights


  1. Marsha Blackburn is my Congressman.
    She is no conservative.
    See her unconstitutional votes at :

    Supplemental Appropriations.
    The Fiscal 2009 Supplemental Appropriations bill (H.R. 2346) would provide an additional $96.7
    billion in “emergency” funding for the current fiscal year over and above the regular
    appropriations. Included in the funds for H.R. 2346 is $84.5 billion for the ongoing operations in
    Afghanistan and Iraq, $10 billion for foreign aid programs, and $2 billion for flu pandemic
    preparation. The House passed H.R. 2346 on May 14, 2009, by a vote of 368-60 (Roll Call 265).
    The spending is over and above what the federal government had already budgeted, the United
    States never declared war against Iraq and Afghanistan, and some of the spending (e.g., foreign
    aid) is unconstitutional.
    Marsha Blackburn voted FOR this bill.
    (Source: The New American – July 20, 2009)

  2. I am not familiar with Rep. Blackburn but a quick google search showed she is AGAINST HR 3200 -- the nationalized health care bill (

    She is also on record as being against other spending issues (

  3. I live in TN and here Rep. Blackburn is known as a great fiscal conservative. She has a reputation of great integrity. Anyone who doubts that; her record is easy enough to look up and speaks for its self
