Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/11: "Never forget ... never give in"


A remembrance of 9/11 through photos and commentary is up at Looking at the Left blog. We must never forget.


  1. As someone who was a cop in NYC on 9/11, I want to thank you for posting

  2. Phil, on this anniversary of 9/11, we want to take a moment to thank you. Some have forgotten but many of us will never forget the tragedy and terror of that day. We remember the First Responders, the police officers and fire fighters who put their lives on the line -- and many of them DID lose their lives -- protecting fellow humans.

    It is always an emotional day for me. We must remember and never forget that our country is in danger, that we owe a debt of gratitude to those who died that day in airplanes, those who died fighting to save the ones in danger, and our military heroes who have died in the years since while protecting the freedoms we enjoy.

    And so I always think of you on this day. And once again I want to thank you.

    I am going to Washington, DC, tomorrow with thousands of fellow Americans not just to protest health care takeover and bailouts and increased taxes ... but to show solidarity with my fellow Americans who are concerned about the future of this country. We are being joined by many military veterans and many retired folks who feel our freedoms slipping away ... they still remember 9/11.

    So thank you.

