Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Liar!" Hypocritical Democrats call for resignation

Stop apologizing!

Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina called out, "Liar!" while listening to Barack Obama's speech last night about health care. He apologized afterwards ... but now some Democrats are calling for his resignation from Congress.

I would suggest Democrats read their American history about the contentious meetings of the Continental Congress while forming this country.

I would suggest Democrats tune in to the British House of Commons or even the Japanese Parliament.

I believe in civility in government but calling for someone's removal for shouting out, "Liar!" is ridiculous.

I would suggest Democrats stop being hypocrites. After eight years of hearing President George W. Buch called every name in the book, my skin is thicker and my tolerance of such partisan shenanigans is wearing thin.

Would I encourage someone in Congress to shout out while the President was talking? No. However, the Democrats brought it on themselves when they are ignored after crying "foul."

Maybe everyone needs to lighten up.

1 comment:

  1. Vote them ALL out! No incumbents.

    Wilson, however, is DA BOMB!

    I wonder how long we have to wait for Obama's apology for insulting millions of Americans....never mind.
    Not worth it. We'd all have to become anti-American dictators.
