Sunday, October 25, 2009

Breakfast! SWAC Conservative Round Table has standing room only

SWAC Conservative Round Table breakfast was led by conservative leader Kurt Michael. An opening prayer by Alex Davis was followed with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Jason Bibeau. Photo by SWAC Daughter.

Fishersville Mike listens to speakers.

Dean Welty of the Family Forum brought non-partisan Voter Guides to distribute.

It was standing room only with over 50 people in attendance.

David Karaffa stressed the importance of having conservative candidates to run for local office.

Suzanne Curran, Tea Party Patriot, informed the crowd of the real estate assessment fight that has begun in Shenandoah County where outrageous assessments were received last week, and tied it in with the assessment battle currently going on locally in Augusta County.

It was nice to see young children, middle school-aged students, and college Republicans out so early on a Saturday morning. One CR came home from school to attend the breakfast with her mom and to cast an in-person absentee ballot before heading back to school.

Dave Mason, Chairman of Augusta County's Constitution Party.

Mike Shull, who ran for Augusta Board of Supervisors in 2007, will again seek office as the Republican nominee in 2011.

On a rainy Saturday morning, over 50 SWAC (Staunton-Waynesboro-Augusta County) area residents who considered themselves Independents, Tea Party Patriots, conservative Republicans, Constitution Party, and more met at the Staunton Shoney's for fellowship, to contribute to the conversation, and learn how to become more active in local conservative politics.

Breakfast was led by local conservative leader Kurt Michael who emphasized that the SWAC Conservative Round Table is not a political party or organization but rather a gathering of like-minded conservatives who care more about their country and community than they do about political labels. He emphasized:
"We are a loose group of individuals held together by conservative beliefs and we sit at a metaphorical round table ... all are equal, all share a mutual respect for one another's beliefs and talents ... we do not need to agree on everything. However, what we do agree on is too important to let slip through our fingers. We must work together when possible and allow our bonds of friendship to grow and our alliances to be strengthened. Only then will our conservative values prevail."
Kurt laid out the three goals of SWAC Breakfast which are:
1) Social ... a place for networking with like-minded individuals and groups.

2) Educational ... a place to educate each other on current conservative thought, to keep each other informed of current events and issues.

3) Political Action ... encourage conservative individuals to become politically active.
A variety of conservative leaders briefly addressed the crowd.

Churchville attorney Francis Chester updated about the Augusta County real estate assessment battle ... and his battle with the County of Augusta, the board of supervisors, and Commissioner of the Revenue Jean Shrewsbury who have asked the court to levy financial sanctions on him for having the audacity to sue Augusta County on behalf of 10,500 county residents.

Shenandoah County Tea Party activist Suzanne Curran informed of an anti-real estate assessment rally Friday morning in Woodstock that saw 100 angry residents upset about their outrageous real estate assessments. Together, she said, citizens of the two counties can keep one another informed of the issues including that her BOS is out of control, spending $100 million the past year in a county with only 43,000 residents. She also told everyone about the Front Royal Tea Party to be held next Saturday, October 31, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Courthouse.

Conservative candidate David Karaffa plans to run for the Augusta County Board of Supervisors in 2011 in the Beverley Manor District. David, who has a young family, showed the willingness of those who will step to the plate to run for elected office, and he was warmly greeted by the crowd.

Michael Shull discussed his plans to run for the Republican nominee for the Augusta County Board of Supervisors in 2011 in the Riverheads District. Accompanied by his two children, he has emphasized in the past that the future is theirs and that is why he is running.

Dave Mason, chairman of the Augusta County Constitution Party, talked about his belief in that group, and Party member Steve Bright passed out copies of the U.S. Constitution.

Valley Family Forum director Dean Welty provided Voter Guides distributed by the Virginia Family Foundation, a non-partisan grading of all candidates for the 2009 election season. Available for churches, civic groups, and political organizations, the guides cover the top three state offices of governor, lieutenant governor, and attorney general. Email for more info about how to obtain guides.

Local Republican Party of Virginia State Central representative Lynn Mitchell spoke on behalf of the GOP with news of the latest Survey USA poll that has Bob McDonnell up +19, Bill Bolling up +15, and Ken Cuccinelli up +16 ... and that we have the opportunity to sweep the top three positions for the first time since 1997, and urged everyone to vote on Election Day. Informing that the GOP ticket will be at Weyers Cave and Waynesboro, she also said she had yard signs and literature with her for those who needed them after the breakfast.

Temporary Acting Director of the Shenandoah Valley Tea Party Richard Armstrong updated about the organization of his group electing officers and recruiting people. The group has grown tremendously over the months since its beginning in April.

SWAC bloggers Yankee Phil, Augusta Water Cooler, Fishersville Mike, Augusta Conservative, and SWAC Girl were there. Check out Phil's post about breakfast.

Our thanks to all who came out Saturday. Also ... Shoney's Restaurant could not have been more accommodating or friendly. The wait staff was excellent as they took care of us, and we would like to thank them for their hospitality.
More photos of SWAC Breakfast

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
24 October 2009

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